In the News

You can be something

Stay updated with the latest happenings and media appearances of Laura Cowell. This page features a curated collection of articles, interviews, and press releases that showcase Laura’s ongoing contributions to community leadership, advocacy, and public speaking. 

Explore below to see how Laura’s work is making headlines and inspiring change across various platforms.

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Agencies have a key role in effective policy advocacy, say experts

Laura Cowell is a Sutherland Shire councillor and Australian CEO of Tender Loving Care, which delivers disability services. She said that many people in the community simply don’t understand how complex it is to change or review policy at all levels and how each government tier has different roles and responsibilities.

“Most people don’t actually know the differences between each of those levels and what the constraints are for the people involved,” Cowell said. 


TLC Impact Speaking event

The “Ignite Change Through Connection” Dinner, hosted by Tender Loving Care, aims to showcase the achievements of individuals with disabilities. The conference emphasises equal open employment opportunities, inspires diversity and inclusion, and provides a platform for dialogue on disability and employment equality. Laura was one of the inspirational speakers at this event.


Laura’s Story

Laura’s story highlights the importance of people living with a rare disease being active participants in their rare disease journey


One Womans Choices – The Leader

Laura Cowell reveals challenges she has faced in her personal life after being named Miranda Local Woman of the Year 2022

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2022 Women of the Year Awards

Laura Cowell awarded Miranda local woman of the year 2022

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Meet the local women running for Sutherland Council on 4th December 2021

Meet the women running in the Sutherland Shire Council elections on 4th December 2021! The past few years has really shone a light on what is important in life, and one of those important things for most, is the community in which we all live – our beloved Shire.

Contact Laura Cowell